Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Bean Museum

So, yeah...4 months have gone by and I haven't updated anything...I know, I'm a slacker. But, we have been busy, so enjoy a quick recap of everything we done in March, April, and May!


I've been wanting to get Cooper out more so we don't watch so much t.v. My sister-in-law Aubrey feels the same way so we have been trying to do things to educate as well as entertain the boys. In February we went to the Bean Museum at BYU. Now, when I first heard of the Bean Museum I thought, "Really...a museum entirely devoted to beans? Like the beans you eat?" Boy, was I mistaken. Instead, it is a museum full of taxidermied (I don't know if that's a real word) animals. The boys had fun running and looking at all of the animals, here they are admiring the deer/moose/antelope collection:

I think Cooper wasn't too sure about the bears:
Afterwards we went to the BYU creamery for some Cougar Ice Cream...not quite as good as Aggie Ice Cream, but the boys seemed to really enjoy it. Note the size of Coop's cone...yeah...that's a kiddie cone. :)The creamery didn't have any place to sit and eat so we stood in between the two sets of doors leading into the creamery since it was raining outside. The boys found great joy in pressing the handicap accessible button and having the doors slide open. The moms however...not so much! :) They would both laugh and giggle and were really good about taking turns pushing the button.

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