Monday, October 17, 2011

Hayride and a Pumpkin Patch

Today we had the opportunity to go to a local nursery and take a hayride out to their pumpkin patch to choose a pumpkin. Cooper was pretty excited, he kept talking about it all last night and this morning, about how he was "going to a pumpkin patch with all his new friends and pick a pumpkin." Neither one of my kids really wanted to cooperate for pictures, so this is what I got. Here we are getting ready to go out to the patch:Being late in the season, the patch was pretty picked over and the pumpkins were starting to rot. There however, were still good pumpkins to be found! As soon as Coop got off the hayride, he was scouring the patch for the perfect pumpkin, examining every side to get a good one:I tried to get a good shot of Bailey, she just never wanted to look at the camera. This was honestly as good as it got:And then there was this picture where I had to get after her for trying to eat a dirty pumpkin vine:Everything goes in the mouth these days! :) I swear every time I turn around she's trying to eat one thing or another. After we found the perfect pumpkin, we headed back to the hayride to return to the nursery. Here is Coop with his pumpkin, he insisted it go on our bottom step of our porch when we got home:And last but not least, a group shot of the three of us on the hayride, it was a fun little fall activity to get us out of the house!


  1. what a fun mom you are! and they sure are cute!

  2. How fun! We tried to visit a local pumpkin patch that does hay rides, too. Unfortunately they were closed that particular Saturday since it was so wet from all the rain we got the night before. Poor Taylor cried the whole way home. lol
