Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Grandma's Funeral

Before we left for Park City, we received word that my dear Grandma Harris had passed away at the age of 77.  This is the first relative that I have had pass that I have been really close to and it has been an adjustment.  I find myself thinking of her often, especially when I come across a gift she had given my children or a photo of her.  It was a privilege to speak at her funeral.  Some of my favorite memories of my grandma are:

  • Going to eat giant Mickey Mouse pancakes at Flaggs West in Downey, Idaho in the old Ram Charger  and then going for long drives up the canyon
  • Going lingerie shopping before my wedding (she insisted that she was coming along! :)
  • Her excitement and support of everything that we did: being at my high school and college graduations, being at the temple even though she couldn't go in on the day of my wedding
  • Her love of Tasmanian Devils (the cartoon ones)
  • Her love of animals
My grandmother loved the color purple and owned lots of clothing in that color.  They found her this beautiful lavender casket topped with purple roses:  
Here is the family checking out the beautiful sprays:
Quick family picture before leaving the cemetery:


  1. Sorry to hear about this! She sounds like an awesome woman! (That's hilarious about the lingerie shopping!) I'll remember to keep you all in our prayers!

  2. I'm so sorry, Megan! Your grandma was such a cute lady and I love that she was so supportive of you through everything. I'm sure she will be so missed.
