I *love* the Logan pumpkin walk. It seems like the last couple of years we have happened to be in Logan for an Aggie football game and I always make Dan take me afterwards to the pumpkin walk. This year though, Dan took Coop to the Aggie game and I took Miss B to the beloved walk. This year's theme was about games...here are some awesome pictures to enjoy! Someone did a Madagascar theme where all the animals are at the circus. Here were the penguins....
Killer bunnies...at least I think that is what this game is called....
Wipeout...a favorite around this household...Dan so wants to go on this show....
The Hunger Games:
The Queen of Hearts from Alice and Wonderland:
They did a spoof on the presidential election...the dogs getting back at both of the candidates. Here is Mitt Romney trapped to the roof of the car:
and Barack Obama being cooked by a dog (since apparently he ate dog as a youth...):
Last but not least, here is Miss B by the biggest pumpkin grown in Logan this year. She was pretty excited, although I think that excitement is more about the cookie in her hand that she got from the witch at the end instead of the pumpkin!
She is such a doll! What a perfect little smile!