Friday, October 29, 2010

Pumpkin Carving 2010

Yes, it's that time of year again when we gather as a family to carve pumpkins. Last year, Cooper was all about trying to eat the pumpkin guts and this year, he didn't want to come near them, throwing a fit if he got touched by them. We watched a really cool pumpkin carving contest on the food network a couple of weeks ago and so this year Cooper was preoccupied with knives and wanted to carve/stab every pumpkin he could with anything he could get his hands on that resembled a knife. Here he was semi-interested in pumpkin guts until he realized what they were and decided against them.Here is Daniel, I said smile and this is what I got:Here is me, I feel like crap in this picture and don't look much better. Keep in mind I'm 80% effaced and dilated to a 4 at the moment, but we are trying to hold out until November 2 so we can collect our Aflac supplemental insurance. I know, really poor planning on our part!
Here are the finished products: Daniel carved Dr. Doofensmirtz (spelling?) from Phineas and Ferb for himself and Goofy for Cooper.And I carved this candy corn face entitled "Gobster" and a cute Boo pumpkin. We were excited because all of these pumpkins came from our own garden this year!

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