Tuesday, December 14, 2010

"Miss Bailey"

Yeah, so if you've noticed my sharp decline in blogging, it might be because I have a newborn in the house! :) Sorry I have really slacked in posting some pictures, but here are some of the first day she came into the world. Here she is after the bath, etc. She really had scratched up her face pretty good, so on went the shirt with hand covers! :)
Here she is getting her footprints taken for her birth certificate from the hospital:Family picture the next day...please excuse the horrible swelling in my face, that and my onery 2 year old who refused to look at the camera because he wanted to watch cartoons:Second day in the hospital, sleeping with daddy:The Birth Story:
As many of you know, I was dilated to a 6 for a week before she came. On November 9, I had my last doctor's appointment scheduled and I hadn't made any progress (although how do you when you are 100% effaced?). I had noticed a decrease in fetal movement and so they did a non-stress test after stripping my membranes a second time. During the test, I started contracting every 2-3 minutes so they gave us the go-ahead to go to the hospital. My doctor was not on call and the admitting doctor wanted me to be further along to make sure I was in "real" labor. So, we walked an hour around the hospital. I'm still contracting, but I'm still at a 6 when the hour is up. So, we walk another hour. And no progress, but still contracting. So, they refuse to admit us. I am furious...her due date was the very next day!
I call my doctor to see where to go from here, and she decides to induce me that day. However, I didn't need an induction. Arriving at the hospital, I was at a 7 (that walking must have done something!) they broke my water, I got an epidural at an 8.5 because the anesthesiologist wouldn't show up and literally 2 pushes 14-30 minutes later she was here!

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