Sunday, October 2, 2011

"Shape" Cookies

We have a problem in this house. Our problem is that we *love* cookie dough, and apparently, we have passed this love onto our children. Cooper is constantly begging for cookies, only to scramble up on the counter when I am making the dough and stuff his face with it. Here are several pictures illustrating this:
Because he is so excited for Halloween, we decided to make Halloween shape cookies. I don't know why he doesn't just call them sugar cookies, but shape cookies they are! He wanted his picture with all of the cookie cutters we were using:And here he is trying to cut out as many cookies as he can before I can get after him since I was on the phone with my mom, those would have been some mighty thick shape cookies:Our finished product (Coop was the "sprinkle-man"):Shortly after this, Coop dropped the bottle of nonperils all over the floor. His sister thought this was great fun and kept slapping the floor with her hands to get them to move on the floor and stick to her. Here she is examining them on her hands and little feet:And her cute little sprinkle bum. Note: I am still finding sprinkles all over despite cleaning the floor... :(

1 comment:

  1. Very cute! I have to admit that I would rather eat cookie dough than actual cookies.
