Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Family Home Evening and a Pig Bank

Yesterday evening was a pretty fun evening around these parts.  As parents, we have been discussing how best to curb our 3 (almost 4) year old's attitude and behavior towards us and others.  In all honesty, sometimes I feel like he just wants to be bad (although this could have been reinforced when he asked me, "How long do I have to be good for?)  After a lot of thought, we decided to try an approach similar to our potty training one and find something that would really motivate him.  That something is money.  So, off we went to Target to pick out an awesome piggy bank.  Despite having rows of baseball pigs, football pigs, race car pigs, dump truck pigs, puppies, and dinosaurs, our son fell in love with this:
That's right, the only girly piggy bank available: a hot pink flower spotted lady bug.  Much to the dismay of his dad, he couldn't be convinced otherwise so home we came with our new addition.  :)  It makes me smile every time I see it.  We had a family home evening lesson on tithing and how it works and then explained how he can start earning nickels with good behavior and completing his chores.  He is very excited about this and has already dreamed up millions of ways to spend his money, most of them involving angry birds. 

We also wanted to take the kids for their first sno-cones ever.  Luckily, by our house there are two shacks up for the summer.
Coop is obsessed with cherry flavor.  He asks for cherry everything, so it was no surprise that cherry was what he wanted.  He walked up and ordered before I even had a chance to look at the board.  Here he is with his first sno-cone:
Not even 5 seconds after I took this, he managed to spill half of it all over his little body.  But, he thoroughly enjoyed it!  Bailey could have cared less.  We let her try bites of it but it just didn't suit her fancy.  She was much more inclined to run around in the little parking lot.  I don't blame her, sno-cones aren't my favorite either, they get too sweet for me.  Dan went out on a limb and ordered an "Under the Sea" creation consisting of blue raspberry, coconut, cream, and Swedish fish.  Here he is with his tasty treat:
All in all, I'd say that this particular family home evening was a success!

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