Friday, September 2, 2011

Cooper's Second Birthday...

When we got back from Arizona, we held another birthday for Coop where we could celebrate with his Grandma and Grandpa Swenson and Uncle Trent. I decided to do a Mickey Mouse theme for this one, thus cupcakes with Mickey Mouse sprinkles and Mickey Mouse cake pops!
They were really fun to make and I thought they turned out really cute! Coop was even able to help with the sprinkles which made him really happy. We opened a few more presents and Miss B thought she should be able to join in the fun, here she is playing with the curling ribbon:What can I say, we grow em' chubby around here! Cooper sure enjoyed playing with his Elefun game he got from Grandma and Grandpa, although frustration usually wins out after 5 to 10 minutes:And finally, here he is eating his cupcake and ice cream. You can't see it really well, but that is pink ice cream. Yes, much to his father's dismay, Coop insisted on pink ice cream (we found a yummy strawberry one) that he thoroughly enjoyed. I apologize now, we can never get a picture without him showing us everything that is in his mouth. At least he is consistant!

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